Bridge Breakdown: 3 Big Factors that Can Cause Dental Bridge Failure

December 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Troisi @ 2:23 pm
A complete dental bridge sitting on a table

A dental bridge is a great restoration that can fill the gaps left by missing teeth. It can restore both function and the aesthetics of your smile. However, like any dental work, bridges are not immune to potential issues.

If you want to delve into the common factors that could cause a dental bridge to fail, continue reading. You’ll find insights on how you can reduce the risk to ensure the longevity of your restoration.

Poor Oral Hygiene Habits

One of the leading causes of dental bridge failure is inadequate oral hygiene. Failing to brush and floss around the bridge can lead to the accumulation of plaque and bacteria, eventually causing decay or gum disease. Maintaining a rigorous oral care routine is essential for the success of your dental bridge.

Dental issues, such as untreated tooth decay or gum disease, can compromise the stability of a dental bridge. This is why dentists will always perform a rigorous dental exam before placing any prosthetics. If you know that either of these is an issue for you, be sure to seek treatment before your dental bridge is placed. This will prevent these conditions from affecting your restoration.

Normal Wear and Tear

Normal wear and tear are inevitable, even for dental bridges. Over time, the materials used in the bridge will naturally degrade. This isn’t a quick process—it takes years, but it will naturally wear out.

Routine dental checkups allow your dentist to check your bridge and address any concerns before they get worse. This will ensure that you’re never without your restoration, even if the worst should happen.

Physical Trauma or Accidents

Unexpected accidents or trauma to the mouth can weaken or break the integrity of a dental bridge. While accidents are unpredictable, wearing a mouthguard during sports or other high-risk activities can help minimize the chances of damage. Just be sure that the mouthguard you choose is well-fitted to your teeth!

Understanding the potential causes of dental bridge failure can help you take proactive measures to preserve your prosthetic. With diligent oral hygiene, dental checkups, and commitment to addressing issues, your dental bridge can stand the test of time. This will provide a functional and beautiful smile for years to come.

About the Practice

Dr. Lucia Troisi and Dr. Zane Wayland Berry are your highly skilled dental professionals at Troisi Dentistry. They work together to ensure that every patient leaves with a smile. At their state-of-the-art facility, they provide expert care in a relaxing environment using modern techniques and treatment plans that are tailored to your specific needs. Call (757) 548-1611 to schedule a dental bridge consultation or visit the website to discover other services.

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